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Second book of Enoch, Slavonic book of Enoch or Book of the secrets of Enoch

Chapter 10:

Those men carried me to the northern region; and they showed me there a very frightful place; and all kinds of torture and torment are in that place, cruel darkness and lightless gloom. There is no light there, and a black fire blazes up perpetually, with a river of fire that comes out over the whole place. Fire here, freezing ice there, it dries up and it freezes.

There, there are very cruel places of detention, dark and merciless angels, carrying instruments of atrocities and torturing without pity.
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Virtu Pontes
Chapter 10:
I said, "Woe, woe! How very frightful this place is!" Those men said to me, "This place, Enoch, has been prepared for those who do not glorify God. And for those who practice on the earth the sin which is against nature, which is child corruption in the anus in the manner of Sodom. For those who practice witchcraft enchantments, divinations, trafficking with demons, who boast about their evil deeds - stealing, lying, insulting, coveting, resentment, fornication and murder.

For those who steal the souls of men secretly, seizing the poor by the throat, taking away their possessions, enriching themselves from the possession of others, defrauding them; who, when they are able to provide sustenance. For those who bring about the death of the hungry by starvation and when they are able to provide clothing, take away the last garment of the naked.

For those who do not acknowledge their Creator, but bow down to idols, which have no souls, which can neither see nor hear, vain gods; constructing images, and bowing down to vile things made by hands - for all these, this place has been prepared for an eternal reward."

Winged UFO Mothership Spotted In NASA’s SOHO Image — Frequent ‘Angelic’ Visitor To Our Sun Enthralls UFO Bloggers

UFO hunters claim to have sighted once again a frequent UFO visitor to our Sun. The alleged mysterious UFO, which has appeared several times in the past in NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) images as a gigantic winged structure near the Sun, continues to captivate UFO bloggers. The winged structure of the anomaly in SOHO images of the Sun has caused some UFO bloggers to describe the alleged UFO as “angelic” or “angel-like.”
The latest claimed sighting of the mysterious UFO in an image of the Sun snapped by NASA’s SOHO LASCO C3 camera was reported by the prolific UFO hunter Streetcap1 in a YouTube published on December 7, 2015 (see below).
NASA’s SOHO LASCO C3 (“Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment”) reportedly captured the image on November 16, 2015.
“Found this the other day. As there is no right way round in space I flipped it 180 degrees,” Stretcap1 comments. “I must admit I got a shock when I saw what this looked like to me.”
Streetcap1 appears uncertain about the identity and nature of the alleged UFO. Is this “a huge alien spacecraft or a sign in the sky?”
The mystery of the identity and nature of the alleged UFO has divided the online UFO community since it was first spotted by eagle-eyed UFO hunters in NASA’s SOHO images a few years back. Some UFO bloggers believe that the anomaly is a massive alien spaceship while others with a more religious turn of mind suggest it could be a biblical apocalyptic portent in the sky.
UFO Sightings Hotspot, for instance, quotes the well-known biblical passage (Luke 21:25) which predicts “strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides,” as a sign of the end times.
Mysterious Winged ‘Angelic ‘UFO Spotted In NASA’s SOHO Image (Image via NASA)

However, UFO Sightings Daily’s Scott Waring notes correctly that the anomaly has been seen near the Sun several times in the past. The UFO blogger subscribes to the view that the recurring anomaly in NASA’s SOHO satcam images is evidence of an alien spaceship that makes frequent visits to our Sun possibly to harvest its energy.
And he offers a suggestion about how to determine the orientation and trajectory of the UFO in space.
“This angelic looking UFO has been seen several times over the years,” Waring writes. “It’s easy to tell which way it came from by the smaller ships trailing behind it."
"Angel-like... means shaped like an angel, but some have speculated that this is not a craft, but a creature."
The image below shows the alleged UFO with a cluster of white spot anomalies trailing it in the SOHO image. While Warring believes that the white spot anomalies are “smaller ships trailing behind” the “angelic” UFO, some UFOlogists believe the cluster of white spots represent the UFO’s engine exhaust trail.

White Spot Anomalies Trail Winged ‘Angelic’ UFO In NASA’s SOHO Image Of The Sun (Image via NASA)

The winged anomaly reappears after it was spotted in August 2015 in an image of the Sun snapped by NASA’s SOHO LASCO C2 camera on July 31, 2015. The anomaly was reported at the time by the UFO hunter Myunhauzen74.
“The beautiful angel-like UFO has returned and is now leaving the sun,” Waring wrote at the time. “Look at those widespread wings. The species that made this ship really tried to make it majestic. Now this is a species I want to meet.”

Winged ‘Angelic” Mothership Blasting Out Of Sun’s Atmosphere Spotted In NASA’s SOHO Image (Image via NASA SOHO)

The sighting caused considerable excitement in the online UFO community at the time.

“How big can this be? To me it looks like really big and how is NASA to ignore this this is not the first time a ship with that kind of shape is recorded with our sun.”

The YouTube below shows a previous sighting of the same UFO in March 2014, reported by waring, who noted at the time that it appeared to be blasting out of the solar atmosphere.
Myunhauzen74 reported a second sighting of the same UFO on August 22, 2015.
[Image via NASA.Gov)

SOS Tierra Spain
Chapter 12:
The companions of the sun
I looked and saw flying spirits, the solar elements, called phoenixes and khalkedras, strange and wonderful. For their form was that of a lion and their head was that of a crocodile. Their appearance was multicolored, like a rainbow. Their size was 900 measures. Their wings were those of angels, but they have 12 wings each. They accompany and run with the sun, carrying heat and dew, and whatever is commanded them of God.

Thus the sun goes through a cycle, and he goes down and he rises up across the sky and beneath the earth with the light of his rays. And the sun is there, on the track, unceasingly.

Chapter 15:
The morning's guardian takes shape

Then the solar elements called phoenixes and khalkedras, burst into song. That is why every bird flaps its wings, rejoicing at the giver of light. They burst into song at The Lord's command:

The light giver is coming,
to give radiance to the whole world;
and the morning watch appears,
which is the sun's rays.
And the sun comes out over the face of the earth,
and retrieves his radiance,
to give light to all the face of the earth.

They showed me the calculation of the sun's movement, and the gates by which he goes in and out; for these are the great gates which God created to be an annual horologe. This is why the sun has the greater heat; and the cycle for him goes on for 28 years, and begins once more from the start. 

Chapter 18:
The fifth heaven
And those men took me up on their wings and placed me on the fifth heaven and I saw there many innumerable armies called Grigori ( Watchers ). Their appearance was like the appearance of a human being, and their size was larger than that of large giants. And their faces were dejected, and the silence of their mouths was perpetual.

And there was no liturgy in the fifth Heaven. I then said to the men, who were with me, "What is the explanation that these ones are so very dejected, and their faces miserable, and their mouths silent? And why is there no liturgy in this Heaven?" And those men answered me, "These are the Grigori, who turned aside from The Lord, 200 myriads, together with their prince Satanail. And similar to are those who went down as prisoners in their train, who are in the second Heaven, imprisoned in great darkness. And three of them descended to the earth from The Lord's Throne onto the place Hermon. And they broke the promise on the shoulder of Mount Hermon.

And they saw the daughters of men, how beautiful they were; and they took wives for themselves, and the earth was defiled by their deeds. They and the wives of men created great evil in the entire time of this age, acted lawlessly and practiced miscegenation and gave birth to giants, great monsters and great enmity.

And this is why God has judged them with a great judgment; and they mourn their brothers, and they will be outraged on the Great Day of The Lord."

I said to the Grigori, "I have seen your brothers and their deeds and their torments and their great prayers; and I have prayed for them. But The Lord has sentenced them under the earth until heaven and earth are ended forever." And I said, "Why are you waiting for your brothers? And why don't you perform the liturgy before The Face of The Lord? Start up your liturgy, and perform the liturgy before The Face of The Lord, so that you do not enrage your Lord God to the limit."

And they responded to my recommendation, and they stood in four regiments in this heaven. And behold, while I was standing with those men, 4 trumpets trumpeted in unison with a great sound, and the Grigori burst into singing in unison. And thei voice rose in front of The Face of The Lord, piteously and touchingly.


Chapter 22:
In the tenth heaven

And on the tenth heaven, Avaroth, I saw the view of The Face of The Lord, like iron made burning hot in a fire and brought out, and it emits sparks and is incandescent.

Thus even I saw The Face of The Lord, but The Face of The Lord is not to be talked about, it is so marvelous, supremely awesome, and supremely frightening. And whom am I to give an account of The Incomprehensible Being of The Lord, and of His Face, so extremely strange and indescribable?

How many are His commands, His multiple voice, The Lord's Throne, supremely great and not made by hands, the choir stalls all around Him, the cherubim and the seraphim armies, and their never silent singing.

Who can give an account of His beautiful appearance, never changing and indescribable, and His Great Glory? I fell down flat and did obeisance to The Lord. And The Lord, with His own mouth, said to me, "Be brave, Enoch!" Do not be frightened! Stand up, and stand in front of My Face forever."

Michael, The Lord's archistratig, lifted me up and brought me in front of The Face of The Lord. And The Lord said to His servants, sounding them out, "Let Enoch join in and stand in Front of My Face forever!" And The Lord's glorious ones did obeisance and said, "Let Enoch yield in accordance with Your Word, O Lord!"

And The Lord said to Michael, "Go, and extract Enoch from his earthly clothing. Anoint him with My delightful oil, and put him into the clothes of My Glory." So Michael did, just as The Lord said to him. He anointed me and he clothed me. The appearance of that oil is greater than the greatest light, and its ointment is like sweet dew, and its fragrance myrrh; it is like the rays of the glittering sun.

I looked at myself and I had become like one of his glorious ones, and there was no observable difference.

The Lord summoned one of His archangels, Vrevoil by name, who was swifter in wisdom than the other archangels, and who records all The Lord's Deeds. The Lord said to Vrevoil, "Bring out the books from my storehouses, and fetch a pen for speed-writing, give it to Enoch and read him the books." Vrevoil hurried and brought me the books, a knife and ink. He gave me the pen for speed-writing from his hand. 

CHAPTER 29:3-4:
Lucifer, one of the order of the archangels, deviated, together with the division that was under his authority. He thought up the impossible idea, that he might place his throne higher than the clouds which are above the earth, and that he might become equal to My Power.
I hurled him out from the height, together with his angels. And he was flying around in the air ceaselessly, above the Bottomless. Thus I created the entire heavens and the third day came.

Chapter 31:
The garden of Eden - The ignorance

"Adam -- Mother; earthly and life. I created a garden in Edem, in the east, so that he might keep the agreement and preserve the commandment. I created for him an open heaven, so that he might look upon the angels, singing in triumphal song. The light, which is never darkened, was perpetually in paradise.

The devil understood how I wished to create another world, so that everything could be subjected to Adam on the earth, to rule and reign over it. The devil is of the lowest places.

Lucifer has become a demon, because he fled from heaven. In this way, he became different from the angels. His nature did not change, but his thought did, since his consciousness of righteous and sinful things changed.

Lucifer became aware of his condemnation and of the sin he sinned previously. This is why he thought up the scheme against Adam. In such a form, he entered paradise and corrupted Eve. But Adam, he did not contact.

On account of her ignorance, I cursed the ground and the serpentI DID NOT CURSE MANKIND, nor any other creature, but only mankind's evil fruit-bearing. This is why the fruit of doing good is sweat and exertion.

Ecclesiastes 3:14-15,22
14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.
Whatever is has already been,
    and what will be has been before;
    and God will call the past to account.[a]
22 So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work,because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?


  1. Ecclesiastes 3:15 Or God calls back the past

Chapter 34:
The rejection and flood

"For I know the wickedness of mankind, how they have rejected my commandments and they will not carry the yoke, which I have placed on them.

They will cast off my yoke, and they will accept a different yoke. Nor do they sow the seed which I have given them, but they will sow worthless seed, not fearing God and not worshipping Me, but they began to worship vain gods, and they renounced My Uniqueness. They will reject My Sole Rule and all the world will sin by injustices, crimes, adulteries, and idolatries

All the world will be reduced to confusion by iniquities, wickedness and abominable fornications, that is friend with friend in the anus, and every other kind of wicked uncleanness, which is disgusting to report, and the worship of the evil one.

This is why I shall bring down the flood onto the earth, I shall destroy everything, and the earth will collapse in great darkness.

Chapter 42:
Obviousness and manifestation of the Lie

I saw the key-holders and the guards of the gates of hell standing, as large as serpents, with their faces like lamps that have been extinguished, and their eyes aflame, and their teeth naked down to their breasts. I said to their faces, 'It would have been better if I had not seen you, nor heard about your activities, nor that any member of my tribe had been brought to you. To what a small extent they have sinned in this life, but in the eternal life they will suffer forever.'

For The Works of The Lord are right, but the works of mankind - some are good, but others are evil; by their works those who speak lying blasphemies are recognized.

Chapter 58:
Justice with the animals

"Listen to me, my children today! In the days of our father Adam, The Lord came down unto the earth, on account of Adam. He inspected all His creatures, which He, Himself Created in the beginning of the thousand ages and when after all those He has Created Adam.

The Lord summoned all the animals of the earth, all the reptiles of the earth, and all the birds that fly in the air, and He brought them all before the face of our father Adam, so that he may pronounce names for all the quadrupeds; and Adam named everything that lives on the earth.

The Lord appointed him over everything as king, He subjected everything to him in subservience under his hand, both the dumb and the deaf, to be commanded, and for submission, and for every servitude. So also to every human being.

The Lord created mankind to be the lord of all His possessions. And The Lord will not judge a single animal soul for the sake of man; but human souls, He will judge for the sake of the souls of their animals. For the souls of all the beasts, there is, in the great age, a single place, a single padlock and a single pasture. Just as every human soul is according to number, so also, it is with animal souls. And not a single soul which The Lord has Created will perish until the Great Judgment. And every kind of animal soul will accuse the human beings who have fed them badly.

Chapter 62:

Blessed is the man who in his patience brings his gifts with faith before the Lord’s face, because he will find forgiveness of sins.

But if he take back his words before the time, there is no repentance for him; and if the time pass and he do not of his own will what is promised, there is no repentance after death.

Because every work which man does before the time, is all deceit before men, and sin before God.

Chapter 63:
Difference between the righteous and the arrogant

"A person, when he clothes the naked or gives his bread to the hungry, then he will obtain a reward from God. If his heart should murmur, it is a twofold evil that he creates for himself. It is a loss that he creates in respect to that to that which he gives, and he will not have any obtaining or remuneration because of it.

The poor man, when his heart is satisfied or his body is clothed, and he performs an act of contempt, then he will ruin all his endurance of poverty, he will not obtain the reward for his good deeds.

For The Lord detests every kind of contemptuous person, and every person who makes himself out to be great, and every untruthful word, stimulated by injustice; it will be cut out with the blade of the sword of death, and thrown into the fire. It will burn and this cutting out has no healing unto eternity."

Chapter 64:
Scrivener, redeemer and help

When Enoch had spoken these words to his sons, to the princes of the people, and all his people, near and far, having heard that The Lord was calling Enoch, they consulted one another, saying, "Let us go, let us kiss Enoch." And they came together. up to 2000 men, and they arrived at the place Akhuzan, where Enoch was, and his sons.

The elders of the people and all the community came and prostrated themselves and kissed Enoch. They said to him, "O our father, Enoch! May you be blessed by The Lord, The Eternal King! Now, bless your sons, and all the people, so that we may be glorified in front of your face today.

For you will be glorified in front of The Face of The Lord for eternity, because you are the one whom The Lord chose in preference to all the people upon the earth; and He appointed you to be the one who makes a written record of all His Creation, visible and invisible. The helper of your own household."

Chapter 65:5:

When the whole of creation, visible and invisible, which The Lord has Created, shall come to an end, then each person will go to The Lord's Great Judgment. Then all time will perish, afterwards there will be neither years, nor months, nor days, nor hours. They will be dissipated, after that, they will not be reckoned.

Chapter 67:
Enoch is taken away. Gold is invisible.

And when Enoch has spoken to his people, The Lord sent the gloom onto the earth, it became dark, and covered the men who were standing and talking with Enoch. The angels hurried, grasped Enoch and carried him up to the highest heaven, where The Lord received him and made him stand in front of His Face for eternity. Then the darkness departed from the earth, and it became light.

The people looked, and they understood how Enoch was taken away. They glorified God and went away to their homes.


Slavonic book of Enoch, Book of the secrets of Enoch or Second book of Enoch


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