Come on, guerrilla, be strong, first delivery of document which will demonstrate the authenticity of the discovery of the Cave of Hercules by Alberto Canosa in Toledo... And he knows all entrances... We are waiting for the appointment with the City Hall... Virtu Pontes. watch?v=25WqYjxLROE&feature Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (Council of Communities of Castilla La-Mancha) Department of Education and Culture Mr. Alberto Canosa Haydnstra ße LA 32657 - Lemgo Germany Seal: Department of Education and Culture Provincial Delegation of Toledo Departure/Issuance I thank you for the documentation referring to the Hill of the BU in Toledo, you have identified as entrance to the Cave of Hercules. Having yourself spontaneously approached this Delegation, its Technicians, with Mr. Alfonso Caballero and Mr. Ramón Villa of the Department of Education and Culture, have informed me that they have already ...

Hello everybody, our aim is to publish the research provided by the great Spanish researcher Virtu Pontes Sánchez, as well as to make available her message in other languages, mainly in English. They have studied all life long and have gathered information about giants, ancient scriptures, megalithic archaeology and UFOs. Including apocrypha, mythology and legends. She has an important message to deliver to the world.