YouTube channel: Historia Suprimida. Audio: Spanish. World exclusive and notice revealed by the researcher Virtu Pontes. Fragment of the program recorded the 15th of January 2016 New e-mail address Virtu Pontes: Transcription of the video: I want to reveal this, ok. Santiago, could you do me a favor? Let’s begin to switch to full-screen and I want that people understand what I am going to explain here, ok. This thing we are watching there. That thing we are watching over there is an embryonic development, all right, of an in vitro fertilization, an artificial fertilization. It is the development of embryos seen through blastocysts cultivar, that is to say, from its cultivation till it becomes a blastocyst. Today I ask biologists for help in order to confirm that everything I am going to say is true, to the planet’s biologists. And we do this with a purpose, to help mankind to wake up, to confirm this is truth and that I do not lie to anyone, all ...

Hello everybody, our aim is to publish the research provided by the great Spanish researcher Virtu Pontes Sánchez, as well as to make available her message in other languages, mainly in English. They have studied all life long and have gathered information about giants, ancient scriptures, megalithic archaeology and UFOs. Including apocrypha, mythology and legends. She has an important message to deliver to the world.