ANOTHER PRESENT FOR MY FRIENDS... THAT'S WHY JACOB'S DESCENDANTS HAD TO FIGHT AND KILL, GIANTS WERE THE KINGS OF THE PAST... APOCRYPHAL TESTAMENT OF JUDAH : 18 Achor, the king, a man of giant stature, I found, hurling javelins before and behind as he sat on horseback, and I took up a stone of sixty pounds weight, and hurled it and smote his horse, and killed it. 19 And I fought with this other for two hours; and I clave his shield in twain, and I chopped off his feet, and killed him. 20 And as I was stripping off his breastplate, behold nine men his companions began to fight with me, 21 And I wound my garment on my hand; and I slung stones at them, and killed four of them, and the rest fled. 22 And Jacob my father slew Beelesath, king of all the kings, a giant in strength, twelve cubits high. 23 And fear fell upon them, and they ceased warring against us. 24 Therefore my father was free from anxiety in the wars when I was with my brethren. 25 For he saw in a ...

Hello everybody, our aim is to publish the research provided by the great Spanish researcher Virtu Pontes Sánchez, as well as to make available her message in other languages, mainly in English. They have studied all life long and have gathered information about giants, ancient scriptures, megalithic archaeology and UFOs. Including apocrypha, mythology and legends. She has an important message to deliver to the world.